Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Valentine Books for Kids

Here are a few of our Favorite Valentine's Day books for kids.

Lilly's Chocolate Heart
by Kevin Henkes

This is a boardbook, best suited for the preschool crowd. Lilly has one red, foil-wrapped chocolate heart and she is trying to find the perfect hiding place. Guess where that is?

Roses are Pink, Your Feet Really Stink
by Diane De Groat

Gilbert writes nice little verses on the Valentines he is giving to his friends ... and some not-so-nice verses to f few that have hurt his feelings. A cute story with a cute ending. For kids 4-8.

Snuggle Puppy
by Sandra Boynton

This is a year-round type of book that's perfect for a bedtime story. Boardbook for preschoolers.

For more great Kids books, check out Book Reviews http://www.ziggityzoom.com

Enter the Mommie911 MomBloggers "Cold Cash Contest"

What a Giveaway! You can win $100 or $50 ... maybe even both ... just by doing a guest blog on www.Mommie911.com It's the "Cold Cash" contest for Mom bloggers and it is going on now until February 12th.

Talk about a Freebie! Just do a guest post on Mommie 911 and get readers to leave comments for your post. The most commented post gets the $100 Cold Cash. The $50 prize goes to the very best blog post featured during the contest on Mommie 911.

Don't miss out on this blogging contest ... enter today. Email Kristin@mommie911.com for contest rules and guidelines. Good luck! http://www.mommie911.com/category/category/freebies-coupons

Make a Valentine Bag for Your Child's Valentine's Cards

Does Your Child need a bag to collect all of his Valentines and Goodies on Valentine's Day for school or a party? Let the kids help you make this super cute and easy Valentine's Bag in a snap.

• Paper Bag- Colored or Brown Bag
• Colored Foam or Construction Paper
• Scissors
• Glue Stick
• Markers
• Ribbon or String (Approx. 8-12 inches)
• Hole Punch

What to Do:
• Take the Top of the Bag and fold the 2 corners in to make a point at top
(while bag is flat and laying down)
• Now Fold Over the Top of the Bag, to make an envelope-type flap.
• Cut a 1.5 inch Slit in center of front of bag, to accommodate the Point of the flap and keep bag closed.
To strengthen this cut, you can attach a piece of foam or paper to the front or inside of bag, making a slit in this attachment also.
• Make a Hole with punch on the back side edges of the bag.
• Thread String through holes on both sides and tie off, removing excess string.
• Decorate the Bag with foam or paper, attaching pieces with glue stick.

For more Valentine Crafts & Activities go to www.ZiggityZoom.com

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Make A Scrapbook of Your Child's Artwork

As much as we all love the artwork our kids make at school and bring home to us, we all have the same question. "What should I do with all this artwork that is piling higher and higher?" Not only do we have art from school, but art done at home, as well. And by the time you add up all the Art from a couple of kids it can get downright mind-boggling.

So, here is a great solution that will become a wonderful keepsake of your child's art to hand them when they are older. Start your Art Scrapbook for each child by personalizing the front of the Scrapbook with their name and photo, then add fun embellishment with the word ART in big letters, either cut out or some of the fun fonts you can find at the craft stores. If you haven't looked lately, there are entire sections just for Scrapbooking supplies and papers in most stores these days. Not only the craft stores, but also at Target and Walmart.

Make each page a fun page that is colorful and that coordinates with the color in each particular piece of art your child has done. Your child will have fun doing this project with you and it will be a great memory that he/she created this special book with you ... and knowing that it is "his" or "hers".

This is a lovely activity for a rainy day or when it's just too cold to go outside. We'd love to share some of your photos, so when you get started, please drop us a note and a photo or two. Happy Scrapping! For more fun Family projects ... go to our main site, ZiggityZoom.com http://www.ziggityzoom.com

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Make Heart-Shaped Valentine Brownies

Here is a great idea for a fun Valentine treat to make with your kids. Made from a boxed Brownie mix, it's easy to make. Find this and more on wwwZiggityZoom.com

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let Kids Print & Make Free Valentines

If you would like to save some money and give the kids an activity at the same time, print out the cute sheets of Valentine's Day cards on our Ziggity Zoom kids site

These are fun and colorful Valentines with themes such as, Princess, Pirate, Mermaid, Aliens and Fun Cute Animals. Just print the images on heavyweight printer paper and let the kids cut them out and sign their name on the backs.

We will even be posting a pattern so the kids can make their own envelopes, but for now they can start ahead on the fun Valentine Cards.