Friday, February 27, 2009

Printable Monster Maker Activity & Monster game

Little boys love monsters and that's not a secret. At Ziggity Zoom there are a number of fun Monster activities that are cute and non-scary for the preschool kids.

A favorite online game is the Feed the Monster game. Kids feed the little monster and watch him eat all the food ... whole watermelon, cake, pizza ... while he goes "yum-yum-yum" then does a little dance at the end begging for 'more food"!

Another cute monster activity is the printable Monster Maker. Just print the monster parts on magnetic printer pages and cut out for hours of fun.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Crafts & Activities for Kids

It's getting to be that really Green time of the year again, with the Luck o' the Irish. To help celebrate, Ziggity Zoom is featuring some fun coloring pages and crafts along with free St. Patrick's Day printables.

Print a cute Leprechaun coloring page or a big Shamrock coloring page. Maybe you want to make fun Shamrock Monkey placemats like the one pictured here. Other fun crafts will be added soon, so check back on ZiggityZoom.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Have Fun with Bubble Wrap - Wiggle, Giggle - Create Bubble Wrap Art

Honestly, what kid does not love to pop the bubbles on the bubble wrap? Ok, maybe a few that do not like loud noises, but most kids love jumping on it and hearing all the pops.

After receiving a package the other day and after my kids enjoyed jumping, running, and bouncing about on the bubble wrap until the sound was no more, I realized bubble wrap would make a perfect surface to paint on.

3 Options to Paint on Bubble Wrap.

Option 1:

1. Cut Out Shapes and Animals or Scenes with the Bubble Wrap.

2. Let you Kids Paint the Animals and Shapes on Scrap Paper or Newsprint.

3. Once the Bubble Wrap Paintings are Dry, let Kids help Glue them to the Heavy Weight Paper with a Glue Stick.

Option 2:
1. Cut out Bubble Wrap Shapes

2. Glue the Shapes and Animals
to the Heavy Weight Paper

3. Let Kids Paint the Bubble Wrap Shapes on the Paper.

Option 3.
1. Attach Bubble Wrap to Heavy Weight Paper by gluing the paper and smoothing down the Bubble Wrap to the Paper.

2. Trim the excess Bubble Wrap so the Bubble Wrap is even with the Paper.

3. Let kids Paint a Picture onto the Bubble Wrap.

Let Art Dry and Then Let Your Kids Proudly Display it!

Copyright 2008-2009 &

Kids Fun Craft Projects Out of Recycled Household Materials

Here are some great kids' craft projects, and activities that are easy to make, use household materials, and are fun and colorful! If you are not already doing so- you should find a corner in the garage where you keep used plastic bottles, paper towel or TP cardboard cylinders, old pillowcases or fabric and anyother neat things that could be considered trash, but are perfect for creative, fun art and craft projects with your kids.

Kids love making things so why not collect items they can go through when you are ready to do a project and let their imaginations go wild. In our house my kids often make robots and monsters out of recycled items and glue.

Here are a few of our Art and Craft Projects that use Recycled Household Items. We also try and think of things that will encourage kids to move their bodies or allow them to use their imagination or creativity. Use these ideas or make up your own.

Monkey Bank out of Used Plastic Bottles

Make this great bank for kids to keep their change by using recycled parts, stick on foam and paint. Great project that is super cute!

Fun Bowling Set from Recycled Plastic Bottles

Get your kids up and moving by making a mini-bowling set out of small plastic bottles. Paint them fun, bright colors and get bowling!!!

Monster Stompers using Recycled Coffee Containers

Every child likes to jump, and stomp their feet. Make these monster stompers or elephant stompers out of recycled containers and after paint and adding the toes and rope- let them stomp away and get out some energy!

Gem Jewelry Box.

What Child does not enjoy having a place to put their special things? Make this Cute box Gem Covered for a girl or use outdoor items like rocks for a box for boys. Use buttons, or other household items and a box that would otherwise get thrown away. You can also make a box for a gift or to put a gift inside of it.

Make a Mini Purse.

Why buy a purse when you can make one with left over felt and cord? Use fabric you already have and save money and let your kids be proud of making something themselves.

Sock Puppet

We love to encourage kids to be imaginative and what better way than with puppets. Instead of buying puppets- find a few old socks and cut our fabric, felt and yarn to decorate a few and transform the socks into puppets your child will love- make a dog, monkey, tiger, princess, pirate or anything else you can thing of.

Twig Pencil or Crayon Holder

Are you or your kids into the outdoors? Well make this great pencil or crayon holder for the desk out of recycled and found items. It looks great on a grown-up or kids desk!

Straw Necklace

Every Little Girl likes jewelry- so why not use those left over straws to make a fun necklace craft with your kids.

Leap Frog Fun

Kids have unlimited energy. So make a game they can play outside or even inside on a cold or rainy day- Leap Frog Fun. Use Foam sheets or If you have old Yoga Mats or Rubber Floor from when your kids were younger you can use that too.

Hula Girl Dress Up out of Recycled Pillowcase

Kids love to dress up and play pretend. Rummage throw your closets and find a few old pillowcases. Add a little felt or fabric and make a few cuts and you have an instant costume for your child- what a fun way to recycle something old.

Make a Knight Outfit out of a Recycled Pillowcase

Every boy likes to pretend to be a pirate or policeman. Find an old pillowcase and recycle it to make a pillowcase costume for your child. What a great way to rescue a wasted pillowcase that is no longer being used.

2008-2009 Copyright- Ziggity Zoom, LLC

Check back often for new Green ideas, recycling and reusing ideas for you, your kids and your family.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Make Life Easier with Ittybits Bite Size Info

If you're looking for quick-read info on Kids products, parenting tips and healthy nutrition ... the place to go is Explore new fun places, foods and products.

This is a wonderful place for parents to find out about the most recent health alert or a fun new toy. Readers can sign up for a daily email, Monday thru Friday, that alerts them to new content written in bite-sized posts. With the hectic lives we all seem to lead, this is the short & sweet version we can fit into our schedules. We have already found some great kids toys and sweet footwear for the kids and the Ittybits staff have a discerning eye, so what you find there will be special.

We are adding the Ittybits newsletter to our must-have list and we are highly recommending that you check it out.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best Kids Websites & Their Links

There are many, many websites for kids, both Fun and Educational and on we have compiled a wonderful list of places to check out with your Kids.

Best Websites for Kids

Kids websites are a great way for teaching children many different things. Not only do children learn good hand to eye coordination by using a mouse and computer screen, but they can also learn many preschool skills that are essential before starting kindergarten. Be sure to take advantage of all the materials at your fingertips.

Monday, February 16, 2009

NY ToyFair 2009 - Full of Fun Toys & Tons of Energy

We just returned from a whirlwind trip to the NY International ToyFair ... a business pilgrimage we have been making for many, many years. As always, we were delighted with the new toys and games that both the big companies and small companies presented.

With the downturn of the economy we weren't sure if there would be much show traffic but the energy was great and the traffic was good. Hopefully, the manufacturers are experiencing some solid sales, as the show continues until tomorrow, February 17th.

Some of the most memorable things we saw this year were:

Exciting new Water & Sand" tables by Step 2. One actually has a faucet that draws water from the "sink" area. Kids will love this one.

A really fun game from Gamewright got our attention and we're looking forward to playing it with the kids. It's called Ring-O Flamingo and it is a new spin on a tabletop ring toss game.

We also loved some of the new items featured by Anatex, especially their Roller Coaster Rocket Table and the Submarine Wall Play Panel.

Of course, we would always like to bring home everything from the HABA display ... such great European toy design. And there were many, many exciting construction toys with different types of connecting systems ... lots of fun toys that will soon be in stores. It appeared that the Kids market is alive and well and much excitement still surrounds this fun venue.

We will be featuring new Toy reviews and updates soon on both Mommie911 and ZiggityZoom so stay tuned.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Free Valentine Horse Print at Ziggity Zoom Kids Website

Every month, offers visitors to this fun & educational kids website a free Art Print. Each print is offered as a pdf that can be printed on home computers on Heavyweight printer paper. There is a 12 month series of horse prints titled "Horses for All Seasons" that is being provided with a new horse art print each month. Each horse represents a particular month and is a fun piece of art for a child on their birthday.

These fun and whimsical prints are suitable for framing and especially striking when all 12 are displayed as a group. The original artwork was executed with prismacolor pencils by artist Sharon Pierce McCullough, a well-known and nationally recognized artist. Original art is also available from McCullough on her website For more original art and characters be sure to check out