Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ziggity Zoom Focuses on Kindergarten Readiness a Site for Preschool Kids

Is Your Child Ready for School?

At Ziggity Zoom we have lots of activities and Educational tools and worksheets to help you work with your child to learn their numbers, letters,drawing lines,shapes, colors,
alphabet,following directions, and pencil grip. This is perfect for preschool kids or kindergarteners or parents that homeschool and are looking for worksheets.
Check out our worksheets and stories and please let us know what else you would like to see!

General Kindergarten Preparation Suggestions

  • Recognizing both captial and lowercase letters in the alphabet

  • Recognizing and drawing four basic shapes (circle,square,triangle, rectangle)

  • Coloring and Cutting

  • Recognizing and writing first name

  • Recognizing and counting out loud 0-10

  • Sharing and Taking Turns

  • Listening and following directions

  • tying shoelaces

  • buttoning and zipping clothing

Below are worksheets and activities that will help your child learn and master the basics needed to start Kindergarten.

As parents we want the best for our kids- we are our kids first and best teacher. Let ZiggityZoom.com help you teach your child
skills they will need to read, listen, explore their worlds, and make their own observations. We have worksheets, outdoor activities, games, and more to make learning fun.

Educational Worksheets-Colors, Numbers, Matching, Alphabet Tracing, Spanish-Engligh Words
Educational Worksheets-Letters, Numbers, Colors, Matching, Shapes,Spanish-English and Line Tracing Worksheets

Print off worksheets to do with your child.

Alphabet Tracing Worksheets-A-Z Letters
Alphabet Tracing Worksheets- Letters A to Z

Teach your child their letters and how to draw the letters.

Active and Outdoor Learning Games
Active and Outdoor Learning Games

What better way to teach your child about Observation and Following Directions than with a Look and Find Series of Worksheets and 2 games that teach color and/or numbers.

Kid/Parent Learning Games and Activities
Kid/Parent Learning Activities

Play I spy or a car look and find game with your child to improve listening and observation skills.

Technorati Profile

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